Fx: Multi-Cam Your Weapon Now with McNett Camo-Form (CF)!

Fx: Multi-Cam Your Weapon Now with McNett Camo-Form (CF)! Video Clips. Duration : 12.68 Mins.

TJ Mullin in Special Operations: Weapons & Tactics writes in Chapter 5: Analyzing your enemy, page 41: "...the distinctive 30-round magazine of the AK series of rifles frequently allowed US Soldiers to spot the NVA/VC although he was otherwise not visible. Rifles like the AK (much less things like the M16A2) are quite distinctive in appearance and can be spotted by their regular appearance. As the Australians long ago showed with their factory-camouflaged, painted Owen SMG, a weapon to be used for fighting and not parade-ground work should be pattern-painted to break up the outline. I see no painted rifles AKMs in the videos from overseas." Camo-Form is a Camouflage Wrap. Unlike tape, Camo Form clings to itself without leaving any residue behind. www.mcnett.com Multi-Cam Camo-Form comes in new packaging that allows you to clearly see each of our 14 patterns. There is a hole in the back of the package that allows a person to touch the Camo Form. While Camo-Form packaged in ziplock bags is preferred by troops, it's difficult for anyone to recognize what Camo-Form was and did for the troops in the first place. Now Soldiers can see/touch Camo Form's properties from inside retail stores. Troops always have zip lock bags and can store Camo-Form in these. Start and end the wrap by wrapping it onto itself by at least ½ inch. Re-usable. You can drag your weapon through the mud or water without it unraveling. Wash by hand and once dry, Camo Form will re-cling to itself. We have ...


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