PT1 - Current Technology - Wireless Electricity

PT1 - Current Technology - Wireless Electricity Tube. Duration : 5.00 Mins.

Our Videos have been uploaded in this order: 1) PT1 - Current Technology-Wireless Electricity 2) PT2a - Our Technology- The Vortex Theory 3) PT2b - Our Technology- The Vortex Theory 4) PT2c - Our Technology- The Vortex Theory 5) PT3 - NEW... Cell Phone Battery that never needs to be charged! WOW!!! Energy/Data/Voice is sent using the 4th Dimension. Based on the principles of The Vortex Theory the final theory of everything. These are the technologies we will release soon: 1) 4th Dimensional Data transfer without the use of satellites 2) 4th Dimensional Voice transfer without the use of cell towers or satellites. 3) 4th Dimensional long distance transfer of electricity wirelessly, without limits. We have joined the 10 million dollar investment offer called Project 10 to the 100 to be announced on March 17. 2009. To View our other videos visit us at:


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