Finally managed to find one. Powered by the 1Ghz snapdragon processor comes the new Galaxy S Duo. Well scouted as being something special and time will tell as the phone just was collected. 5MPix camera with a VGA Front facing camera, twin sim, bluetooth 3.0, wifi and hotspot. Mine has 1.5GB free internal memory and can be expanded to 32GB via micro-SD. Comes with Ice Cream sandwich and can be updated to Jelly Bean as and when released. There are many options around the dual sim, such as data off on sim 1 and on sim 2, diverting of calls etc and the phone comes with headset, data cable and charger ( of course ) this was just a small look at the phone and more will come when we have it charged and ready for action. And for those who always ask me: Instagram, whats app, viber, tout all working well, skype works also with little drop out on calls.
Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562
Posted Saturday, November 17, 2012 in Galaxy, Samsung by Mary Farrell
Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562 Tube. Duration : 3.48 Mins.
Finally managed to find one. Powered by the 1Ghz snapdragon processor comes the new Galaxy S Duo. Well scouted as being something special and time will tell as the phone just was collected. 5MPix camera with a VGA Front facing camera, twin sim, bluetooth 3.0, wifi and hotspot. Mine has 1.5GB free internal memory and can be expanded to 32GB via micro-SD. Comes with Ice Cream sandwich and can be updated to Jelly Bean as and when released. There are many options around the dual sim, such as data off on sim 1 and on sim 2, diverting of calls etc and the phone comes with headset, data cable and charger ( of course ) this was just a small look at the phone and more will come when we have it charged and ready for action. And for those who always ask me: Instagram, whats app, viber, tout all working well, skype works also with little drop out on calls.
Finally managed to find one. Powered by the 1Ghz snapdragon processor comes the new Galaxy S Duo. Well scouted as being something special and time will tell as the phone just was collected. 5MPix camera with a VGA Front facing camera, twin sim, bluetooth 3.0, wifi and hotspot. Mine has 1.5GB free internal memory and can be expanded to 32GB via micro-SD. Comes with Ice Cream sandwich and can be updated to Jelly Bean as and when released. There are many options around the dual sim, such as data off on sim 1 and on sim 2, diverting of calls etc and the phone comes with headset, data cable and charger ( of course ) this was just a small look at the phone and more will come when we have it charged and ready for action. And for those who always ask me: Instagram, whats app, viber, tout all working well, skype works also with little drop out on calls.
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