In this video I show my Altoids smalls tin - Rapid USB Charger project. This is the smallest fully self contained rapid USB device charger I've seen so far, others may have done it but I haven't found them yet. Powering the charger are (2) A123 cells, about 1300mah and good for 2.5 charges on my mobile. The charger puts out around 800ma of current under full charge and takes only 30 mins or so to put a full charge on a 3.7v blackberry curve. I found some a123 cells online for around .00 each and some high capacity rechargeable's are available for only a few dollars more. If anyone is interested in building this please comment and i'll share the details of what was used.
Altoids Smalls Tin - Rapid USB Charger "MightyMinty-miniBoost"
Posted Saturday, September 29, 2012 in Altoids, Charger, Smalls by Mary Farrell
Altoids Smalls Tin - Rapid USB Charger "MightyMinty-miniBoost" Tube. Duration : 4.08 Mins.
In this video I show my Altoids smalls tin - Rapid USB Charger project. This is the smallest fully self contained rapid USB device charger I've seen so far, others may have done it but I haven't found them yet. Powering the charger are (2) A123 cells, about 1300mah and good for 2.5 charges on my mobile. The charger puts out around 800ma of current under full charge and takes only 30 mins or so to put a full charge on a 3.7v blackberry curve. I found some a123 cells online for around .00 each and some high capacity rechargeable's are available for only a few dollars more. If anyone is interested in building this please comment and i'll share the details of what was used.
In this video I show my Altoids smalls tin - Rapid USB Charger project. This is the smallest fully self contained rapid USB device charger I've seen so far, others may have done it but I haven't found them yet. Powering the charger are (2) A123 cells, about 1300mah and good for 2.5 charges on my mobile. The charger puts out around 800ma of current under full charge and takes only 30 mins or so to put a full charge on a 3.7v blackberry curve. I found some a123 cells online for around .00 each and some high capacity rechargeable's are available for only a few dollars more. If anyone is interested in building this please comment and i'll share the details of what was used.
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