Samsung kies wont connect my samsung galaxy s!? (fix!)

Samsung kies wont connect my samsung galaxy s!? (fix!) Tube. Duration : 4.67 Mins.

READ ME*** this is a way to get your files on and off your galaxy S without using kies! ALSO! the way to get your samsung to 'usb debug' is: go menu, settings, applications, development and then usb debugging. i only just remembered it then! note** ive noticed that i cant get my hd recordings onto my computer without significant quality loss, so im guessing i need kies for that.. and so far i cant use kies.. soooo... im working on finding something! damn you kies! so i hope this helps! who reads manuals anyway! let me know if you have any other issues. thanks for watching! thanks to arkancel for this solution: 1. Unplug the USB cable 2. On the cell phone, dial the following number: *#7284# Once the last # is hit, the PhoneUtil application is launched. Choose USB - Modem and then USB - PDA mode. The good mode should be PDA. Even if the mode is PDA, switch to Modem and then back to PDA. 3. Plug the USB cable. Note: * Repair USB connection for any Samsung Android phone


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